Awake Time Frustration


PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME IM NOT CRAZY! Our babies are 6 months or approaching it. For their age, they should be awake 2-3 hours between naps. My fucking mother in law (who does watch our daughter and I’m thankful for) will NOT make our daughter stay awake longer than an hour and a half. Keep in mind she can go three hours without a nap fine at home with us. Idk if she gets annoyed with her being cranky or what. She’s a perfect baby on the weekends with an occasional early nap but as soon as Monday hits my mother in law has her all messed up and she can barely stay awake for 2 hours. I’m getting so annoyed as I’m the one who has to get up with her at night when she’s wide awake because she slept too much during the day! While our daughter used to sleep 11 hours straight. So please tell me I have a reason to be annoyed about this! My husband doesn’t understand. SO how long are you babies able to stay up between naps?

(Also, she complains she won’t nap longer than 35 minutes even after I’ve told her multiple times she has to be awake for 2.5-3 hours to take a good nap)