Anyone who isn’t grossed out about throat pictures please help! ☹️


Hi! This has nothing to do with any female parts but causing a lot of anxiety for me, maybe because how many people use the app someone has had or known someone with similar problem.

I was sick 2x in the past two months both terrible colds different symptoms each time. Finally a week ago I started getting better from a terrible sinus infection and woke up with a soar throat and I looked and saw this little white dot at the back of my throat-ignore my tonsils (SORRY I HAVE REALLY UGLY TONSILS & so embarrassed of them- I apologize to whoever it grosses out).

(This pic was on Monday)

Then Wednesday it looked like this

And now today like this...

I went to my doctor who said it could possibly be basically an adult version of “foot, hand, mouth”

Then went to a ENT today who wants to do a BIOPSY ! Making me panic, I don’t want a needle near me esp not my throat 😭 but I also want it to just go away. I don’t know what it is, doctors are obv unsure as well... I’m scared and just need someone to tell me they’ve had it and it will go away on its own ☹️

UPDATE: I took everyone’s suggestions to it being tonsil tones did some research and realized it is not tonsil stones (I was hoping it was 😑)... I’m 99.99% sure it is what my first doctor initially said it was which is herpangina - not related to herpes at all but related to foot and mouth for babies! I don’t know how I caught it but pictures from tonight are confirming it and how sick I feel (body ache, lack of appetite, soar throat, and white ulcers only on the back of the throat-no where near the tonsils)

This is now what my throat looks like as it’s developed 3 new white dots one is completely in the center (which I circled in blue 😅) so tonsil stones are ruled out.

SOOO if anyone has had herpangina which usually only kids get 😅 PLEASE give advice lol

Everything I research says it last 7-10 days I’m at day 6 soooo I’m praying it starts clearing up on day 8!

(This one is how the first originally looked)