After years and years of TTC...


A TR, praying, whining, crying and telling people "I'm infertile" because we still arent getting pregnant, God broke it down in my spirit one day coming home from work. He told me "nothing can live in stagnant water. I never gave you that label (infertile) you planted that seed. Until you plant the seed of hope and LIFE back into your body and womb, nothing will grow".

So everyday I tell myself I AM PREGNANT (if not thiscycle then each period is a chance God has given me another chance to try again) ! I HAVE LIFE AND NEW GROWTH INSIDE MY BODY.

And maybe I'm not pregnant right now but I believe with my whole self and all the faith I got that HE will move this mountain and I will be soon! So I guess I put this here to maybe encourage someone else to not live by the label you have given yourself. Remember the God, Yahweh, Father, Jehovah Jireh, that we serve is the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end and NOTHING is too big for Him, Nothing is too impossible. Keep on praising and thanking.. By your faith you will be healed.

Many blessings and prayers from one faithful and hopeful momma to another. Xoxo.