Excited for change!


I started a new workout plan today... I love running, but it's cold out. So once it warms up again I'll start training for a 5k. In the meantime, my goal is to get my heart rate up for 30 min/day. Usually I accomplish this by walking on the treadmill.

But I decided to start lifting "weights," because I know it is necessary in order to become a better runner and just for overall health. So, using the 10 lb dumbbells I had, I started a lifting routine to do at home. On Tuesdays, I will do full body workouts (deadlift, burpees, pushups, etc). Fridays I will do upper body workouts and Saturdays I will do lower body workouts.

My goals right now include:

•Lose weight, especially in the belly region

•Grow the booty

•Gain upper body strength