Help? Any advice for me?

Megan • 💙SWH+MJH💜(05/19/2012)💑MC 9/25/2018👼🏻🌈👶🏻9/10/2019👪

I have had a very long TTC journey. Last year I became pregnant to only to have a miscarriage around 7 weeks. I went in for my ultrasound at 5+6 and the baby’s heartbeat was 80. I went at 7 weeks because of spotting and the heartbeat was no longer. This time around I have went in for ultrasound to make sure everything is going good and... the baby had a good heartbeat at 124 at 6 weeks which makes me feel so much better!!!

This is where I need advice or knowledge or even help. First pregnancy I went for blood work and my first draw showed 27 HCG and 5.6 progesterone (10 DPO). Went back for second draw and HCG doubles but progesterone dropped to 5. She put me on supplements. My last draw showed progesterone at 12.95 and a week later I had a miscarriage.

This pregnancy I had my first blood draw HCG 243 and progesterone was 3.92 (DPO 17, I know I shouldn’t of waited so long but when I called at 13 DPO the doctor office was busy and didn’t see me for a few days). I literally was heartbroken when I seen the progesterone #. I just knew this was not gonna be good. She instantly put me on supplements. My progesterone is rising put it’s still really low. After seeing the heartbeat and it’s very good for 6 weeks(from what I have read). What should I do?

My doctor office will most likely call me Monday with the results. I’m ready for a plan of action because it seems the baby is healthy for now and I don’t want my body to reject because of my lining. Has anyone had this experience? Should I request shots? What are questions I should ask my doctor? What’s a good number for someone with low progesterone? I really just need some advice from someone who has been there as well.