Wedding not how i expected.

I wont have a traditional wedding. I always pictured it like white dress and a church. Never thought i would fall in love with a muslim and have an asian wedding. My wedding is in 2 weeks and i have a red pinkish 2 piece dress (and damn it heavy). I wont marry in a church, i will marry at home in a separate room from my future husband. I won't even have any professional photos bcuz it "costs" (we can easily afford it) and its too far away (still doable). I just want some proper pictures to show off. Should i fight to have them?

Have any of u married and had shitty photos?

I am muslim i was never set to any religion, when i met my fiance he told me about muslims and i fell in love with him and islam.

He and his family aren't backwards in the religion. Like one can read about online. lol🙂