What could this be??

Okay so my cycle is super regular! Almost to the exact date every month for at least the last 6 months. My husband and I finally decided we were ready to start trying about a month ago. So no more pull out. Which we did but I knew I shouldn’t get pregnant cause I was about to start my period. And my period came like normal except this particular period I was over the top emotional way more than normal. Then everything was fine. My last period was Jan 25th-29th. Starting on Feb 4th I started having no appetite at night & feeling queasy but not enough to throw up. I added it up to be anxious. This has happened every day since. I’ve hardly eaten dinner & have had to take zofran 3 times this week due to a nauseas stomach. Idk what to think. I also went to the doc thinking I had a big cold due to a horrible cough and she said she could hardly tell I was sick minus the cough! I don’t think I could be pregnant since I had my period like normal. Also according to this app I’m ovulating today but ovulation test come out very negative. Any advice would be appreciated..