Would you change your name?


So my father and I never had a good relationship. He was never abusive but he was absent and constantly in and out of my life. He always left me with his girlfriends at the time when I went to visit him. He never really cared for me. He only did one nice thing for me in my whole life. I had paid maternity leave because of him. Otherwise I would have gotten way less money for the 2 years I was home with my son. But that is it.

Now my partner of 6 years and I are talking about getting married in a few years. And I want to change my name to my partners name hypenated with my mom's and grandma's family name. I am really serious about it and I never liked my name because it is my father's family name.

I will probably change it but I am curious of everyone's opinion as my mom says I shouldnt do it. Because my dad did that one nice thing for me. But I say that is not enough. What are your thoughts?

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