Help me find this Space Jam meme!

A few weeks ago I saw this meme on Facebook about how the creaters of space jam came up with the idea.

It was funny, like, "hey, we should make a movie" "let's have Michael Jordan, Looney toons, aliens, and basketball" "yeah! Michael will team up with the Looney toons to defeat aliens in basketball!"

Something along those lines. Pretty much making fun of how they just took so many random things and threw them together (and it totally worked! Lol)

My husband watched that movie last night and I mentioned that meme, but I can't find it anywhere!



It was just text (don't know if that actually classifies as a meme 🤷‍♀️) I think it was a screenshot from another website (don't know which one) it had the dark navy blue background with white text