Emotional I had to stop breastfeeding


My daughter is a year old. Just turned a year in December. I’ve been since cutting back feedings. We went from every two to four to six and finally got her up to eight hours without wanting to nurse. I had to have emergency surgery yesterday morning after a bad fall to my knee. I’m not allowed to nurse because of the medicine they had me on and the ones I’m currently on. I know it’s time. I said I’d wean her by the time she was 1. I just wasn’t ready to be completely done. I’d thought her and I would have control over it. We could choose to stop together. I’ve been emotional because I’m not allowed to get up for more then ten minutes every hour. Which ANYONE who has a little one knows how hard that is. Last night was the first official night I didn’t put her to sleep and it broke my heart. But every time I tried to hold her she went right for my boobs. I feeI like she will not be such a mommy’s girl now and I know this is best for her. Just need words of encouragement and advice. I keep feeling my chest to make sure no hard spots are forming. But so far I think my body just might be done, even though mentally I wasn’t ready. Im glad I made it this far but am just upset. 💔💔💔