Help a mummy out. What should I do. Looking for advice

I've been wondering what it would feel like being a single mum? Recently me and my partner have been arguing a little. I dislike his family due too things happening. He says he loves me but I don't see it. He hasn't defended me when his family are bad mouthing me or behind my back or when I'm sitting in their house listening too what they say. I'm pregnant with our second baby at nearly 17 weeks. We both have a 1 year old daughter and our second baby is due in July.

There are times where I want too be alone due to arguing and times I want too be with him but I'm scared of being alone...... Doing everything myself with both children but knowing he would be there to support me. He is a great dad but he works all the time nearly not seeing him all day since 10am till 10/11pm and arguing really upsets me, when we don't argue I get excited when I see him come in from work. Lately he has been on dating chat up to other woman but has now stopped. We have been together nearly 3 years. The other night he told me he didn't love me and didn't care about me. He didn't want too be with me he said he did love me 2 years back after his family and myself starting arguing over a little baby!!!!!! MY BABY!!!! BARING IN MIND THIS ISNT HIS REAL FAMILY. This is his adopted family. His mum thinks he's only with me for the kids sake which I went and mailed her but didn't turn out nice. He said he had sorted it but doesn't look like it. His big sis jealous of me as I have children and she can't have any. It's all over the place......

He said if we broke up I'd need too go as he wouldn't have anywhere too stay because we live together and I don't work he pays the rent. Even if I did go he wouldn't be allowed too stay in a 2 bedroom house himself. If I was too stay he said he would be only taking what's his. That he was thinking about getting layers involved if I didn't let him see his kids which I would never do.

If I did move I have a great family that would help me and support me that wouldn't see me go without.

What would it be like to be a single mum with a 1 in a half years old and a newborn? What does it feel like if you met someone and still seeing your baby's father? I just don't know what too do. Am I better being off alone with no man? Tell me your experiences. I'm struggling

Other than all this we get on great, when it's his days off we lie down and watch movies with munchies or we go out to the cinema, dinner, shopping etc.

We do have a great sex life and we have a great time when he is off work as when gets too spend time with his daughter with me.

What do I do?