We’re all waiting for the rainbow

Cristina • Counting my blessings.

Two older boys are from a previous relationship but my husband stepped in when my oldest just turned 3. He’s about to be 11 now. My middle son was barely 2 when he met my husband and he’s 10 now. He took my boys as his. Then came Aven, the baby we made together. A little after Aven we got married. We wanted another baby but told ourselves we need to wait till the time is right. I graduated college and my husband ask me is the time is right yet. I said no because we need to move into a place of our own. We were living with my parents due to my culture. We decided to do what’s best for us and moved into are own place. My husband asked if the time is right yet. I said no we have to wait til I get my career going. I got a job in a nonprofit as a counselor for teens in the social and justice system. He asked me if the time is right now and I said no because we need to save up. A year passed by with ups and downs. He sat me down and said it seem like the time is never right, maybe it’ll never be right but together we will be okay. Let’s try for a baby. I said okay. I said okay because Aven has been asking for a little brother or sister. We decided to try April 2018 and got a positive pregnancy test May 2018. We surprised the boys with the news, announced to family and friends, post on social media, had a gender reveal and bought bunch of baby clothes. We’re having another boy! September 2018 I went into labor and lost my son at 20 weeks. Now we’re all, as a family, impatiently waiting for our rainbow baby. Aven talks about his baby brother Aris in heaven daily. He wishes so much for a baby sibling on earth to. Then we will be complete. Pray for us! 2019 🤞🏼 be good to us. We’re good parents and an amazing family. We have lots of love to give.