Help! Don't know what to do anymore

Okay so my boyfriend and I have been having sex for about 8 months, we were virgins before that so we're still discovering things. The problem is, ever since we started, we've had sex like 20 times but I haven't orgasmed ONCE! I rarely feel any pleasure when we have sex. I don't feel anything in my vagina just a weird sensation of pressure and fullness but nothing can make me feel pleasure in there and I've made peace with that. But I do orgasm through clitoral stimulation every time I masturbate. The problem is, my boyfriend doesn't know how to touch me or eat me out! When he starts touching me, it starts out nice but then it gets boring and annoying cause my clitoris gets super sensitive. The eating out is just like, he's all over the place and doesn't hit the right spots. I don't know how to teach him to give me pleasure cause it sounds so complicated and whenever we talk about that we both feel really sad and kinda hopeless. He always comes and I never do. He tries but it just doesn't happen. Deep down I'm afraid I'm never gonna get to share that feeling with him. Whenever I think about that I feel like crying. Help I don't know what to do anymore I need this