Is he too attached


My mom tried to get me back together with my ex from when I was 13 and he was 14. My mom said hes 6 foot and he acts better than he used to; but he wasn’t 6 foot and he still acts up, when I heard him talking on the date he said he fought twice and ended up in the hospital once, he has no friends but considers me a friend. He also got my snapchat and said he loves me so much and wants to kiss me but it was the first date and I haven’t seen him in years and he kept trying to hug me and was messing around too much for me. Btw he has fetal alcohol syndrome so the way he acts and thinks isn’t the same as other people, also when he talks he mumbles, I also don’t like the way he holds me; he holds me by the shoulders and I put my hand around his waist 🤦‍♀️ he also couldn’t walk straight

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