Moving to New Zealand


My husband is studying to be a chiropractor and has a year left of his studies. He's originally from Norway and his parents and family live there. I on the other hand am from the U. K.

We've been living in the U. K since 3 years ago and we're planning on moving to New Zealand in about 3 years after he's qualified but really it could be sooner. We plan on eventually sponsoring my parents to join us down there as their health would be better in the sunshine. My mum has arthritis and they are looking at places that would be warm to spend their later years.

So the dilemma is when to tell my husbands family? Even though they don't live too far away the rarely come to visit us, last time and only time they visited was when our oldest was born and they only spent a day with us and then proceeded to see other family in the U. K. Mind you, the my mother in law is English and she goes over to see her family a few times a year but not us or her grand kids. We usually go over to see them every Summer as my husband usually has a good summer job there.

Should we tell them in a year or now so they can have the chance to actually be proactive with their grandkids or should we leave it for later on?