Life, I feel so hopeless and just sad

Alright guys I just need to vent somewhere where not everyone will see and where people understand this is my first vent on here and just needed somewhere to do it. I just feel so poor and wish I had more money or something. I made $85 yet half of it like $42 is going to my stupid storage unit which id I don't pay something on it because I am behind he will sell it, another thing is it was my and my ex boyfriend unit but I left him and wish just wish he would remember and maybe pay on it but why would he I left him and don't get me started with him I wish I never dated him we took out a loan together in both our names to get apartment together (big mistake learned my lesson) and now I am left with the loan bill which is messing up my credit score badly so now I am stuck with that mess to.  Yes I know maybe I should just take everything and move it to my house I would if I could but don't have money or time to because my boyfriend works all the time. I just had plans with this check and not their all washed down the drain. I can't even get my brother a birthday gift which is the 11th like I wanted to 😢. I even wanted too get a few gifts for my son for Christmas and his birthday which is the 26th of December. Anyway point I asked my boyfriend for just a little bit of help and he said no and never does that usually he helps me because I get stuff for the baby and the animals, plus I wanted to treat myself for once but I guess that won't happen either. I literally sat on the couch and just cried I wish there was a way to make money without having to put my son in daycare and without leaving home I guess that'll never happen. I'm just grateful the job I have is easy and I just water flowers at bjs and he can come along.  Another thing is I miss having a car I am so sick of having to get ride to here and there but yet we can't afford another car, I miss hanging out with friends every now and again. I wish things would turn around for me it just seems that will never happen. Alright end of venting I suppose 😔