
MelTheCaramel🐝 • Mirror, mirror on the wall.. who’s the baddest of them all? 👑

I was leaving my moms house (she’s 58) I told her

“okay mami I’ll see you tomorrow in the morning”

and she responded with “okay mija, that means you don’t work tomorrow right?” I said

“no mami”

then the outside cat was meowing so much so I told my mom “let me feed the cat so you can go inside because it’s cold”

I go get cat food, i come out. I feed the cat and i take the little cup inside and i hug my mom again and I told her

“ya mama ima go” i kissed her cheek and she asked me again “you don’t work tomorrow right mija” and I said “no mama”

I left and while going home with my husband I started crying so bad. My biggest fear and I’m sure for almost anybody who has a parent or a guardian is being forgotten by them🥺

I explained to my husband and he told me “baby ask your momma if she remembers what she told you, so you can have your mind at peace”

I’ll calmly call my momma and I asked her if she remembers that she asked me twice within 5 minutes. And she said “yes mija, I asked to make sure.. don’t worry baby i got my planes chained up so they don’t leave yet.. I forget somethings that are natural to be forgotten.. but my planes are still here..”

Here’s a picture of my sister (in beanie), my mom (middle) and I 🥺❤️