How to stop supplementing

Lauren • Wife, J • 3.2017 💕 Mom, A • 7.2016 + A • 12.2018 + A • 8.2020 + A • 7.2022 💕

I nurse my almost 8 week old on demand all day. He nurses as long as he wants as much as he wants. Without fail he has one feeding a day that he’s just too hungry and I have to make him a bottle. The time varies but he seems to be switching it to his night feeding. Will I ever be able to keep up with that and adapt or are some babies just like that and get a bottle for that extra feeding? Also when can I even pump?? I’m bad at marking down sleeps (and diapers) obvi, but usually if he sleeps during the day I take advantage of spending some time with my toddler? Idk how EBF is a possibility with multiple children.