Am I asking for too much?

—- ::EDIT:: I’m in my second year of Engineering :). I do have enormous aspirations (I’ve always wanted to work at a F1 team). I do not want someone to literally sustain me, I just want a guy who’s not gonna be living off MY paycheck!. ——I’ve never liked boys of my age (I’m 18, I had a very deep crush on a 26yr old) I’m very attracted to older guys, specially guys who have a good chance of being someone in this life...The thing is I can’t find someone good enough? Am I asking for too much?. My friends tell me that I’m single because I can’t settle for less than a Uni degree (the 26 yr old guy is a doctor). Idk what to do, my friends tell me that I’m a spoiled rich girl (which is kinda parents have some bucks) and I will not settle for a man who cannot give me the life my parents gave me...Is that wrong? I mean is there something wrong in wanting a guy with a career and a future ahead?

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Posted at
It’s not wrong to want to be with someone successful in life. It is wrong to expect your partner to provide you with what your parents did. You should strive to be successful so you can provide yourself with that life. In other words, don’t count on a man to act like your dad instead of your significant other. Makes you sound like you expect everything to be handed to you, sorry.


alexis • Feb 11, 2019
this is very well worded :)


Posted at
If you want to be successful and afford yourself then why do “need” a guy that makes a bunch of money? You can be successful and have aspirations and still not be rich. I get not wanting a guy that’s lazy and doesn’t do anything for his life, but it’s pretty shallow to discount any guys that’s not already making a bunch of money like a doctor. So you be a little more open minded


Posted at
It’s not wrong as long as you have your own and you’re looking for somebody who’s on the same level. Romantically standards are important and I think you should look for a gentleman but I don’t think that financial standards are a thing unless you can carry yourself already. If you can afford to get around on your own without your parents or a man then yes this mentality is fine


Posted at
No you’re an adult now and most people are going to be looking for someone to spend the rest of their life with you’re just trying to look out for yourself and future family because no one wants to be with a bum who is dependent on them...