Need to vent 😩


4 days into my most recent period and so far my cramps all 4 days have been in competition with the contractions I had during child birth 😩. I have never had cramps this bad or a flow this heavy before and I’m starting to worry that I should maybe be in a hospital instead of at home suffering. I have a “blood abnormality” according to my gyno that doesn’t let me clot all the way. I most likely have endometriosis on top of that but to to this blood issue I can’t get the surgery to test me for it. So before I can find out if they can take my uterus out (yes I’m young but 1000% yes this is what I want). I’ve never been in so much physical pain for this long and I feel like I’m honestly dying. Now before people jump on me for over exaggerating here I have an EXTREMELY high pain tolerance. No drugs or anything when I had my daughter and I didn’t think labor was that bad. But these cramps are seriously killing me and I haven’t gotten a break hardly 😭. Probably tmi but I’ve bled all down my leg 3 TIMES! In two days. Never have I ever had that happen and I have always had a very heavy flow. Never have my cramps been this bad or for anywhere near this long. I feel like I’m probably being over dramatic by going to a hospital but at the same time I’m slightly concerned that something is really wrong with me 🙃 I want to call my dr and see if she can refill my pain medication that she gave me back in November but they’re opioids and that scares me that I even need something that strong but I’m in so much pain I just want to cry and I didn’t even cry when I was birthing my tiny human. And the pain is so bad I want to throw up a bit too and that’s new so I’m definitely not ok here y’all 😂 send help. Lots of help 😩 hope yalls mornin is going much better than mine 🤞🏻