Shallow latch

Shelby • Mama. 2 girls 💕 2 boys 💙 engaged to the love of my life 🥰

My LO is 4 days old today, he is at the breast frequently which I was told by 2 pediatricians, and a lactation nurse told me it’s normal BUT I’ve come to realize that he has a shallow latch. One of the pedis also said that he has a shallow tongue, so I’m assuming that means it’s harder for him to become fully satisfied after nursing, right? A lot of the time he will nurse both breasts and still seems unsatisfied so we will start over. Is anyone else struggling with a shallow latch? If so how are you coping? It’s pretty painful, the pain does subside but it’s uncomfortable. I’ve tried nipple shields and they help a lot but I need to get a bigger size. He also gets really frustrated because it isn’t bare breast.

He also wants to be on me. He prefers my bare skin to anything. Is this normal also?