Exercise and missed periods


I hope i am posting to the right group. I am 34 years old (35 in two days....) and an TTC my first. I've been trying for about a year now. Had one miscarriage last year, had two rounds of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, tried taking Clomid, and still no baby. Im trying to make some improvements with my health because I know I'm overweight. My heaviest was 208lbs. Last I weighed myself was 196lbs and I'm still wanting to lose enough to get out of the "obese" range of my BMI. My overall goal is to be no heavier than 170. In any case, I started working out at the beginning of my last cycle in January... and now I'm 6 days late. I've taken 2 pregnancy tests, both of which are negative. So im thinking (sadly) that working out has caused me to miss my period. My question is...IF my period had started on time, my fertile window would've startd sometime this week. Do I still go by that calculation? Do you still ovulate after missing a period?