Car accident. 😭😭


Last night my husband and I got into an accident. We were nailed from the front and the back by two different vehicles and our car is totaled now.

I’m literally so confused as to how I proceed here. My insurance company wants to know if I want to use them or not and they’re waiting on me for a decision.

My parents & my in laws are trying to push us to get a lawyer and honestly, I don’t even want to get into some legal battle right now. I’m pregnant and dealing with enough shit as is.

I have pretty much asked everyone I know that’s been in this situation and all they can say is “I don’t know.”

I don’t have the other parties information as we were too busy with the police and my family getting checked out by EMT and I didn’t get the opportunity. So I’m told it will be in the police report available to us by the end of the week.

I want to get this shit rolling and honestly don’t want to wait to find out that the car that did the most damage to us has crappier insurance than we do if any at all.

My family is concerned that we will get lowballed in the settlement and that’s why they’re pushing a lawyer.

To be honest, I have no idea what I’m doing and don’t know what to do here. That’s why I’m reaching out for some advice.

Should I just go with my own insurance company and say forget a lawyer and get things going? Or get a lawyer and wait out the week to see if I should go with their insurance??

Any information would be so helpful. All I can do is just cry because of the stress and I really would rather not risk anything happening to my unborn child because of it. Thanks.