So upset

Within the last 2 months 2 of my friends are now pregnant. They all didnt tell me becauze they knew in the past if my ongoing miscarriages. Then i got a evite to one of the gender reveal parties right now. Which i then texted my friend omg youre preggo?! And she said yea im so sorry i sent a text a while back telling you but realized it never went thru... Im not mad or anything but literally getting more and more depressed. And to top it off this last month my husband and i were 100% that i was preggo i had all the signs we did it all perfect with the positive ovulation tests etc. And then i start my period 3 days late and HORRIBLE cramps. I bled thru and had to leave work for the day. Is anyone feeling the same?!

Also watching teen mom and seeing chelsea and cole and the love they have and the birth right now is light weight killing me!