One year down.

It’s been an entire year that we started trying for a baby. On our third

<a href="">IUI</a>

we found out we were expecting. We were so beyond excited. My family was excited.

Shortly after my sisters wedding last summer (4 days after) we lost our precious little one.

We tried three more

<a href="">IUI</a>

’s and had two “chemical” pregnancy’s.

Now we are doing a complete work up on me. Had an HSG, blood work, and going to have surgery to check to see if I have endometriosis.

Honestly this has been hard on us financially and emotionally.

I’m a mess. I feel like I have no one to talk to about anything that I feel.

I’ve gotten the “just try again” response so many times. They don’t get that we don’t just get to “try” again we have to go to a doctor and have help.

Here’s to another year of trying to grow our family.

**every time I post a picture it crops it.