Supposed to be moving

I need advice or something. Maybe to rant, idk. Words of encouragement, anything..We’re supposed to be moving March 1st. We found a place in a much smaller town about 30 mins away from where we live. We’re subleasing for someone. We chose this place because where we live is a bigger town and it’s a lot more expensive here and the place we found is what we’ve been looking for - super nice, allows pets and is something we can still afford..just further away. We currently live in a mobile home that my mom owns, we just pay lot it’s pretty inexpensive. We have lived here almost 8 years. It’s a decent place, nicer for a mobile home..but still a mobile home (not saying ANYTHING bad about those who also live in them) But if you do then you hopefully know what I mean..they can be a lot to keep up with and there’s no value in them. The place we found is a town house and like I said in a much smaller town further away. We both will still work where we currently live so it will be a little bit of a commute but not too much. We put down the deposit already but haven’t signed a lease yet since we won’t move until March. So we technically could still back out. It wouldn’t look great on our behalf and I know that and I worry about that too...but we really don’t HAVE to move, we’ve just been really wanting to. Yet I keep going back and fourth in my head so much it’s been causing me to physically feel sick. I can’t make a decision and it’s driving me crazy. I guess I’m just getting cold feet because it’s such a big change in quite a few aspects and I’m constantly worrying about everything that could go wrong. Like commuting in really bad snowy weather, etc. I guess I just need someone to talk me through this one way or another. 😩😩😭