depression and getting stuff ready

so I have depression but since being pregnant apart from the first few weeks where I had really bad morning sickness my depression seems to have got better except the last couple of days due to money worries however I'm 29 weeks now and wanna start going through all the baby bits I've got laying around in different places and wash stuff and sort stuff we going to need so we can see what we still need to get we got a small place but it's not organised properly everything put everywhere in different places because we have limited space so had to be put where there was space and the thought of it all going through it all is overwhelming me making me not want to do it as I know what I want to do and how I want to do it but when partner helps with stuff he doesn't do it the way I want which gets my depression and anxiety up this place is getting me down as it is but not got money to move also not got a lot of electric left on the meter and the amount of washing and drying I'm thinking there is to do will leave us with nothing I'm probably over thinking how much there is but I don't want to be a big rush right at the end or if baby comes early I want something ready if there is as much as I'm thinking there is to do