HELP! Need moms with tongue/ lip tie experience


My son has been diagnosed with both a tongue and lip tie. We’ve been to an ent and a pediatric dentist and neither of them are comfortable with revising it because his ties are not just a normal straightforward tie that could easily be clipped. His tongue tie is a posterior tie and the way his lip tie is we were told she would need to go in and correct muscles with surgery as well which would require putting him under anesthesia which the doctors and my husband and I don’t want to do. The dentist is going to check him monthly because she thinks as he grows it could stretch and correct itself. He’s having trouble latching correctly, staying latched, does clicking sound on both me and a bottle, and nursing is painful. The dentist says he’s having a hard time more because the roof of his mouth is so arched but the others affect nursing a little too.

I have two questions-

When nursing, what position(s) did you find worked best to get your little one to latch correctly?

We nurse and bottle feed but he gets more and does better bottle feeding. We have tried avent, dr. Browns, and Tommee tippee and he still does the clicking sound with all of them which then causes him major gas and tummy pain. We tried the tommee tippee by he dentists suggestion and its been the worst one yet. Are there any bottles that are better for this particular situation?