How can I break/stretch my own hymen?

I’ve had a look down there and it looks completely closed off, I’m terrified and have no idea where to start? I would like to have sex with my partner in the coming week or so but don’t want the moment to be ruined by us not being able to get it in or having horrible experience. Any suggestions?

PS. I’m scared to finger myself and I’ve never used a tampon.

EDIT: I have already had the surgery to create a small incision, as I did have an imperforate hymen (completely closed), however it still looks like there’s no opening, even though I get regular periods since the surgery (11 years ago).

I’m 25. This may seem like a dumb question or you may think I’m trolling but I’m really not. It hurts when I try to finger myself and that’s why it terrifies me but I feel like I can push through the pain if I was to have sex, I just wanted to stretch it out a little prior.