I don’t think my hubby really wants a baby.

So, we’ve been ttc for 6 years, & now that I’m finally ovulating on my own, my hubby has made excuses every month during my fertile window not to baby dance. Yesterday my lh levels started rising, so I told him specifically we need to tonight, & maybe every day the rest of the week. I came out of the bathroom preseed ready last night, & he was asleep. Now, this was not even 10pm. He normally doesn’t even come to bed until 11:30 or later. I tried to wake him by kissing on him & trying to get him in the mood, & he pushed me away & told me not tonight. This morning, I was hoping to get a quickie in before he left for work, & he was fully dressed & ready when my alarm went of, saying he had to go In early. I got mad when he told me we’d do it for sure tonight & said, sure, unless you’re stomach hurts, or you’re too tired, or too stressed. I hear these excuses monthly during my fertile window. He acted sheepish & muttered sorry before leaving. He text me after a bit & apologized again, & promised lots of romance the next few days. I’m still frustrated, cuz I’ve sent him article after article on when baby dancing should be, our fertility dr has talked to him about it, & yet he always makes excuses not to during my fertile window. I’ve even tried not telling him when I’m ovulating, but it’s like he’s figured out my cycle days. And every time we baby dance, he sighs & says “let’s get this over with.” When I try to talk to him, he insists he’s wanting a baby, & even has started taking fertilaid for men. So why does he do this to me?! It hurts so bad.