Pretty sure I ovulated


Before my BFP I was just getting into properly tracking my cycle. I've had quite irregular cycles all my life so I wasn't surprised by not really seeing what I was supposed to see on my charts - like, another thing not going normally in my life lol.

I still ended up getting pregnant pretty soon... and then gave birth and started breastfeeding and then started thinking about wether or not to TTC again.

I had to wait for more than ten months for my first cycle and that wasn't even a normal one, just some very light bleeding and symptoms.

My first real and normal period came at 15 months PP. I can't really track my cycles as well as I would like to with a toddler around... maybe other mommies are better at these but I suck at paying proper attention to my own body right now.

I'm still trying to do a decent job and I'm pretty sure I caught an actual ovulation yesterday I could track some symptoms and I even got the egg white CM!

I'm unreasonably happy about the whole thing. This is probably the first time in my life when I'm this much aware of my ovaries releasing an egg. It's supposed to have happened way more than a hundred times before and I was never even sure about it, but this time I could pinpoint it pretty well!

It feels like such a victory!

Tell me about some of your experiences... or just laugh at my expense haha