

My boy is chubby. He has arm rolls and leg rolls but he doesn’t look “fat” per say. What is everyone feeding their 20 month old?

Example of his diet -

Breakfast - usually just a yogurt, some days he’s starving and will add 2 eggs or some fruit.

Lunch - day care today served a ham and cheese sandwich with green beans, mandarin oranges and milk (he ate it all)

Snack - they’ll do a nutrigrain bar or animal crackers or goldfish.

Dinner - we made Italian sausages. He ate one sausage, apple sauce (1/2 a cup or so), and then a ton of strawberries probably 2 cups.

I did the math and it’s around 1200 calories for the day. The kid never sits still so he’s burning a lot. From his 12 month to 18 month appointments I don’t think he gained a pound. I’m probably over thinking this but I just don’t want him to be overweight. But he’s hungry! Some nights though he will barely have anything for dinner. And usually he eats more veggies than that. I feel like it’s not an unhealthy diet but maybe he’s eating too much!? Haha ughhhh