Fighting naps


So our DD is fighting naps, we’ve been trying to keep up with her schedule some days to gets a little messed up if her and daddy get up late in the morning (I work 1st, daddy works 2nd). But general rule of them is she used to go down 3 hours after getting up. The past two weeks she has had maybe 2 ‘good’ naps (over an hour). I know daddy usually struggles with her from 1130-1ish depending on the day give or take some time.

She won’t nap at the babysitters (aka Grammy/mimi depending on the week and she’s there for about 2-3hours). And by the time I usually get home with her it’s around 4 and far too late for nap. And by bed time (8pm most days) she is miserable and so tired she fights her sleep again.

Just looking for suggestions, or if anyone else has gone through this.