Ob wants a growth ultrasound booked.!


So my last pregnancy I was induced at 38.1 due to baby not growing and fell in percentiles and we all decided to get baby out because I also had a marginal cord insertion and a aging placenta. This time around placenta seems to be doing well so far and no marginal cord. I went for my glucose test today and after seeing my ob she told me that I’m measuring 24weeks while I’m almost 28. I feel like I got kicked in the stomach, what I went through with my little gal those first few months trying to get her weight up was pure torture. She was born 5.1 and this time I’m having. Abou and they say boys tend to be bigger.

I’m really upset because I was really hoping to avoid this again. Although I’m anxious about the growth ultrasound at 32 weeks I know that if placenta is functioning okay and all the Doppler’s are fine. I’m going to let this baby cook till term. I was a small baby at 5.5lbs at 40 weeks and I’ve. Even told I have very small reproductive organs where my daughters feet were so squished when she was born. I can feel already that his baby is running out of room so maybe I just make small babies.

I guess I’m just talking out loud here , but wondering how many of you ladies are in the same situation ?