
Hayle • 5 yr old daughter. 1 👼🏼 1-23-19. Ttc baby #2.

My first <a href="">iui</a> worked but unfortunately I lost my baby at 7 weeks with no heartbeat. That was 4 yrs in the making. Right now I feel like what I did with my post partum depression. I can go out and shower and all but I don’t want to do anything either. I’ve stopped crying over my child, but I know it’s not all about crying. I don’t want to be on meds and I know once I start treatment up again I will be better because I’ll have something to look forward to. Just right now I feel like a bad mom to my 5yr old because I don’t do much. Anyone experienced this and have any insight to help me for now? Doesn’t help that my husband is on his 2 week shift and away 🙄