All Pregnancy Symptoms but A Negative Test


Hey guys,

My boyfriend and I are trying to conceive. This is only our first month, but of course I’m hopeful. Anyway, my period is due on the 15th or 16th—I have this app and Flo and they’re conflicting. But it should be the 15th. I’m sorry if this is TMI but I gotta be honest about what’s going on! Starting a few days ago my nipples got a dark ring around them, and it’s been getting bigger and darker day by day. I pee WAY more often, I have pretty bad lower back pain (which I’ve never experienced before), I suddenly snore, I’ve been constipated for over a week with severe bloating and the kicker: the crying and the mood swings. Oh my god, I don’t even need a reason and I will burst out crying. Or I’ll be perfectly happy and the next minute anxious and sobbing. Or skipping around positive and then suddenly crazy irritable. And starting two days ago certain foods suddenly make me mildly nauseous for hours. I’m tired constantly to the point where I can sleep almost all day. We’ve been POSITIVE that I’m pregnant.

I took a test today and yesterday and both were negative (using HCG strips with great reviews on Amazon). I would accept that I’m not except for the nipple thing—that is super weird and super obvious. I can’t really think of another reason. And we could blame mood swings on my upcoming period but the only mood issue I’ve ever had with PMS is irritability. I made an appointment with my doctor but it’s not for another week. I know I should just wait until my period is supposed to start but I’m curious if anyone else experienced something like this and ended up with a positive test? It’s just so weird. Thank you💕