Valentine's Day!!


It's a day to share how much you love your sweet someone! It's a day I wish i could join this year too.

Valentine's Day is my sweet Husband's birthday. He is 21 today. In 14 more days we will be married for two months. And my Valentine's wish is that i could spend these first months of marriage with my husband.

I got five days with him till he went back to post with out me in another state. And ever since we have tried to finally get to live together. But unfortunately the military is making this complicated.

Oh so complicated. So to those wives and loves of our military soldiers keep your chin up, say I love you when you can, and remember all of us spouses and sweet hearts are behind you supporting you and understanding the heart ache.

This is us on our Wedding day! Little did we know we might be spending our first months of an amazing marriage apart. I'm not too keen on this missing out on two months together, but will be devastated if we miss out on more than three months of our first year together. A time a couple is supposed to cherish, support, and learn. Sending love to all who are seperated from their soul mates today.