I guess i just need to vent!

I am a person that is big on say what you mean and mean what you say. Because of this it has caused me to be let down by a lot of people throughout life because most people lie or don't follow through. This has caused me to literally hate people. I literally dislike having to interact with people but at the same time I'm struggling with not having a person. I had a best friend who moved to Michigan and since then I haven't really had any friends. I have used FB as my outlet for venting or whatever but my husband hates that I post anything on FB and I just don't know what else to do. We moved closer to our families but my family is crazy and weird they'd rather talk shit about each other and stuff than to support each other and his family well most of them are cool but don't really get together a whole lot and his mother well she basically hates me and the feelings are kind of mutual. I just deactivated my Facebook page but I don't know what or who I'm supposed to vent to now. I'm so ready to have this baby because I feel like it's making me a crybaby and I don't like it. I'm usually not as emotional as I am right now and none of this would bother me when I'm not pregnant. Blah I just don't know lol 🤦🤰😭😳