Am I overreacting???


So my marriage has been pretty rocky over the last two years but lately is been really good as we have been really working on things and our efforts seem to be paying off. However last year I was alone on Valentine’s day because we was away at basic training which of course was no problem but he is here this year and I am pregnant with our second child. We haven’t been on an actual date in FOREVER literally haven’t been on one since months before my 10 month old was born. Most of that was due to us just being busy and money being tight for a little while. Once again no big deal at all. But I have been dropping hints since December that I want to do something for Valentine’s Day and he’s been saying he has been planning something all this time. Guys I haven’t even gotten a sweet text so far today. I know the day isn’t over but I asked him if he had any plans tonight and he just said “no.” He has told me that he wants to just hangout and watch tv together when he gets home but like, we do that everyday. Maybe I’m just being overly sensitive. I just feel like itsbeen a long time since we have had time for just us to go out and do something together and he knows I wanted to do something and he couldn’t be bothered to actually make it happen??? Literally not even a small box of chocolates or something? I mean hell even Walmart gave me a free rose with my grocery order and I can’t get something from my husband???