Getting back into it


I found out I have scoliosis when I was 19. I know it's common, and a lot of people suffer with it. I have a "unique" curve in my spine, and doctors have told me I need a back brace. Despite all of that, I was still very active and didn't really "suffer". Before I had my son (5 years ago), I walked at least a mile every day on top of doing P90X, Insanity, Zumba, and more. I didn't have a six pack but I was tight & toned.

Since having my son, I've blown 2 disks in my spine & the curving has increased by 2 degrees...but I still managed to lose all my baby weight. Yet, things aren't tight like they were before.

So yesterday, I decided I wasn't going to complain about it anymore. I did a short but satisfying workout at home. I did 100 squats & 100 crunches. My legs & abs are sore but I'm doing it again today!! It's a start and a good one.

Here's to all of us who are taking a step in the right direction. Don't give up on yourself! ❤️❤️❤️