Late postpartum hemorrhage

Angenette • 34 year old mother of four beautiful little girls ages 14 and 13 and 7 and 5 year currently pregnant with my 5th wish me and my husband luck we been outdaughtered lol

I wonder has anybody went threw this😢 I had my daughter feb 2 and about 7 days later I started bleeding out I lost so much blood and they sent me back to labor and delivery and did a sonogram and started me on a Magnesium drip and schedule me for a D&C 😩 for retained placenta this was on feb 9th and was sent home feb 10th with light bleeding and now on a blood pressure it’s been 5 days since my d&c and I’m cramping and my bleeding is bright red and picking up with movement and I’m worried cause I don’t know what’s normal no more