How late can a gestational sac form?


Okay, so... First and foremost, I don’t have regular periods. My LMP puts me at 6 weeks today. But I know what day I ovulated so if I guesstimate between the day I ovulated and the timeframe it usually takes for conception to happen, I’d be 4 weeks to 4 weeks and 3 or 4 days. Well, I went to the doctor when I was “supposed to be” 5 weeks 5 days and they didn’t see anything when they did a transvaginal ultrasound, not even a gestational sac, with my son, I saw at gestational sac and a yolk sac at 5 weeks 3 days. Either I’m earlier on than I thought, or something is wrong, and I can’t help but think of worst case scenario... Please ease my mind ladies... what’s the latest a gestational sac can form and the pregnancy still be viable?