Single moms who need encouragement!

It's funny that all the adoration and love stops when you trying to reach the top . Doing your best to stay afloat with a run down job and being a single mom . Dad ain't got no responsibilities now but still asking me for a freaking handout like bruh go ahead and take this little bit of tax money and split lord knows you ain't worried about your damn kids hollering that I'm keeping you away from them but when you lived with us you were always out with your friends , lying and cheating and using all our money for drugs never watched our daughter not even giving her love. But let me stop talking about dead beat dad yall get the point now right, now he can stop pretending , the girls are going to see it maybe he'll learn his lesson. One day I'm going to be comfortable living and no man will have the ability to get in. I cant stress it enough that single mothers need to get up and fight and stop letting all these trash boys get us down and make us feel small like we'll never have shit on our own. Baby we're queens and they see it but if they let us see it this world wouldnt need a "man" to feed it . Keep growing ladies I'm done complaining imma do something about it and take over for my babies . ❤👩‍👧‍👧