I want to throat punch my husband

Let me start off by saying I love him more than anything and he works so hard for us. But right now, this guy is tap dancing on my last nerve. We both work all day long. I come home after 12 hour shifts and cook/clean/laundry/pack his lunch/etc., am working on my doctorate, and never so much as ask for help. Not that he would help if I asked.

My one request this pregnancy was that, starting at 32 weeks, we had regular sex because I heard it helps with labor. We’ve had sex twice since then and I’m 36 weeks. And he’s complained about me asking every time, so I’ve just stopped. Last Friday, he randomly got me flowers. I loved them! When people have asked him what he got for Valentine’s Day, he says he got my flowers, and that he shouldn’t be obligated to get me anything. Fine. Whatever. Technically he did. He didn’t ask/plan anything for Valentine’s Day, which is fine since we both work. But it’s our last holiday before becoming parents. Then he complained about what I made for dinner and how late it was when I was hoping we might go out. He’s planning on going out of town with buddies this weekend. When I tried to bring up labor, he said he didn’t get why he had to be there.

Y’all, I’m scared as hell to do this all on my own. I just want my husband to want to love me and help.