Breastfeeding & Pumping Schedule


I need some advice.

My son is 11 weeks old. I just went back to work this week. He was exclusively nursed until no. I have been pumping and nursing. His current schedule M-F is:

-Wake up at 7:-7:30 and breastfeed (sometimes he wakes up once before that in the middle of the night.

-he gets a pumped bottle for his next feeding

-I come home on lunch and breastfeed him

-he gets another pumped bottle (I pump at work when he’s getting the pumped bottles)

-as soon as I come home from work I feed him and then feed him on demand and comfort feed until bed at 10:30-11.

My question is-is there any harm to him or my milk supply to do this same schedule on the weekends or is there any harm in me exclusively breastfeeding on the weekends?

My husband and I are leaning more towards keeping the same schedule but don’t want to affect my milk supply or his ability to nurse (also we are using the Kiinde for bottle feeding so we aren’t having latch issues)