Sperm meets egg plan worked!


We are pregnant! After our miscarriage in October 2018, an operation to remove one ovary and tube in November 2018, and miscalculated ovulation day according to an app in December 2018, and trying the “sperm meets egg plan” and opk in January 2019, we are pregnant!!!!!! We started testing with opks on CD 8, and baby danced every other day up until the positive opk. We baby danced the day after too. I’m glad I went with this plan because the app I used miscalculated my ovulation day again and we would have missed the egg again! But we didn’t, on 12dpo I got my first positive (in 10 seconds), and we are now 6 weeks pregnant. My BFP was right on time to share the news with my husband on his birthday 4 days later! Baby Linares due October 11, 2019