Better late than never :)


It’s a long one but the short version lol

At 9pm ish on the 28th of January I started having these sharp pains that I thought were maybe my cervix opening or something (turns out they were contractions), I ended up falling asleep after a few hours, the next morning I was having them again and they were coming regularly, then in the shower I lost my mucus plug/bloody show. The “pains” that I didn’t think were contractions started coming more regularly but I wasent timing them, they were slowly becoming more painful and were really bugging me, it wasent until about 6pm that day I started to think I was in labour. I could only just talk through them and was too scared to go into hospital incase it wasent the real deal, by 9pm my partner convinced me to go in, we got there at 9:40pm she eventually checked me and I was at a 4 so we stayed. I was just hanging out in the room and getting through them it wasent too bad then at about 12am is when it started to get real bubs was sunny side up which is why I was in so much pain and he wouldn’t stop moving which made his heart rate go up, so I had to have monitors on the whole time which drove me nuts, I tried the gas and air and hated it, I spewed a few times so I didn’t bother with it. When I could finally get them off I got in the shower while the bath was filling up I was in SO much pain by then, finally got in the bath and didn’t last long in there because nothing helped.

After I was out for a while they checked me again and broke my waters and holy shit having a contraction while she was doing that was the worst damn pain I’ve felt in my life it was like being tortured. And after all those hours I was only at a 5! I was asking for the epidural by then, got that when I was at 7cm and the damn thing only worked on 1 side and his heart rate was all over the shop by then I had to get a monitor on his head and a catheter, a few more hours later and they said they had to scrape his head to check his blood and if it wasn’t at that magic number they needed I was getting a c section, that scared the shit out of me! Thank god it came back okay and I was a 10 by then, they left me for an hour because I had the epidural so they waited for him to come down more, then I had 3 doctors and a few midwifes all come in to deliver him which made me worry a bit, I pushed for about 15 - 20 minutes and my little man came into the world at 7:47am on the 30th 😍 she had to cut me open and hit a few arteries as she did and I was grazed as well. Thank god I couldn’t feel anything down there.

Bub was looking for my boob straight away once someone helped me latch him he fed for over an hour! Then had his big sleep after they weighed him and gave him his needles.

He was 8 pounds (3.63 grams) 54cm long and 35cm head circumference

Big healthy boy 😍