I love my ex??


So on valentines day I found out my boyfriend had another girlfriend for 2years when I'd been with him 5months and numerous other side girls.

Another ex spent the entire day and night supporting me and just being a good friend

I have had feelings for my other ex for ever and he was my bestfriend. We only ever broke up due to mental health reasons. Basically just want to know if I should tell him I still love him or let it go?

Also I'm 16 turning 17. Both ex's are 19 and everything is 100% legal where I live.

Don't attack me for being in a relationship while still in love with someone. I don't think you ever stop loving your first love.

While with the cheater I had no contact with the other ex until last week when he apologised for our previous relationship.

Please give me any advice you have ❤