Need PCOS success stories...


Hi there. I’m so upset and sad today after getting AF yet again. It’s been over 2 years of trying with medicated cycles. Hubby and I are seriously trying again on another medicated cycle stint. I usually take a couple months break between medicated cycles. This last cycle I really thought it was the one. I ovulated, had super high progesterone conforming ovulation. I got a faint positive, HCG of 4!! when I took the blood test. Usually my levels are less than two so I was really excited. That was 12DPO. And then my tests came back stark white. Period was a day late, I thought maybe HCG was just taking longer to double. And now here she is this morning. A positive: at least I started my period on my own, so I know my hormones are rising and falling as they should. But I’m sad. I feel like it’ll never happen for me. It’s been so many near misses now and I just wonder what the hell I am doing wrong. Worse people have kids than me. Why won’t the universe allow me to have this experience? I just need some support, some rays of hope to keep me going. Thanks ladies.