I'm just so upset and need to vent.

A little background before I show the post; my father is in the hospital. He is a very private person and does not like his health being posted on social media. The son of some people we know posted on facebook, tagging my father, mother and I. It was him saying he was sorry to hear about my dad and letting us know that he's sending prayers. I commented, telling him that the prayers were very much appreciated and thanked him, but we would prefer to not have it posted publicly unless one of our family does so first. I never told him to delete it, but he did on his own. So I messaged him to explain why and told him the message was passed on and my father thanked him very much.

Today, I'm sent a screenshot of his step mother's post about me.

I'm stunned. Who thinks it's wrong to tell someone you prefer your business be private, but it's fine to threaten a pregnant woman and her unborn child?? I have never thought anything bad about this family and had even spoken to her son about how he had done nothing wrong and not to feel bad about the post. I know his heart was in the right place.

But his father and step mother are accusing my family of being absurd for liking personal medical things being private. I was also told not to "treat my pregnancy as a handicap." How is being upset that she pretty much threatened my unborn child treating pregnancy as a handicap?

She's not at all aware of either of these facts, but I am a fairly high risk pregnancy, (so it is kind of a handicap even though that's irrelevant) and I've already lost a baby within the last year. So I take the threat to my daughter's safety very seriously.

I'm not looking for advice or anything. They both blocked me. I'm just upset and sick over it all and needed to vent somewhere. Sorry this is really long and thank you if you've read this far!